Handy Gadgets For Windows 7
Windows 7 has made many great steps into the future of technology. Taking their software to the next level with not only an already great service, but they have also included free downloadable gadgets for your use.
One of these gadgets is the alarm clock gadget that you can set to wake you up with music, rings or any whatever gets you going in the morning. This makes your laptop more than just a work device but also a convenience for you as well. You can also add the Q’s drive info gadget that will show you exactly how much storage you have used up on your computer and where you have invested most of your memory on your computer.
You can also download an Iphone battery meter which that allows you to hook up your Iphone and see exactly how much your Iphone has charged. Another great gadget is a simple download that gives you a new looking speaker volume design making it easier to control your music or audio sound. Windows 7 also has a network meter that shows you how your connection is working and how much information is being transferred at the time.
The launch control gadget gives you the ability to pick your favorite items you use most often on your Windows 7 computer and puts them all in one spot. That way you have easy access to all of your favorite items in one spot. You can download a gadget that is called auto shutdown; this gadget will give you the ability to shutdown, restart or be put on standby without having to look for the options in your start menu.
A cool gadget to have is the talking clock that will announce the time according to your specifications you set when downloaded. For those social birds you have a new gadget download that will announce when you receive a new Tweet on your page. This gives you the ability to do much more on your laptop without having to check your Twitter account as often as youre used too. Also, a download that gives you free language translation right on your desktop. So you have no reason to pay a company to make you pay to translate. Windows 7 will take care of it for you with just a simple download. Windows 7 is full of more downloads and gadgets that are free for you and make your computer experience that much more enjoyable. So if you do decide to migrate across to the new Windows 7 then there has not been a beter time to upgrade. It will even act like a virtual removals company to ensure your files are all transferred and ready for you.
Colin McDonald is writing on behalf of Abels Removals Service